Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Introducing daisy

Warning: The following blog was written after the cancellation of a class so it is obnoxiously peppy.

Dear bloggees,
I'm so sorry I have left you in suspense for a whole week. As I'm sure you realized from my last blog, saying I'm busy is an understatement. I have realized pledging is a full time job... except you get paid with love and a developing character instead of money. I apologize for being so cheesy. I'm pretty sure I have devoted more time to pledging than all of my classes combined. It is so worth it. I'm loving every second. Oh my goodness I have great news. Drum roll please!!!!!! I got my pledge name! Can I get a woot woot? It is daisy... as in Marc Jacobs daisy... as in the perfume I wear everyday... as in MARC JACOBS the only man I would ever leave the BF for, but he is gay so there's no chance. If you can't tell I am so excited about it is ridiculous. My pledge sisters are coco, lola, london, viva, chance, and poppy. So perfect.
I had my first test today. It was shocking. I didn't finish first. I always finish first. It might sound strange, but it is taking some adjustment for me to realize that I'm at a school with a bunch of other really smart people. I won't be able to just be the best without really trying. That is a good thing, and I do love a challenge every now and then. However, it isn't something I am used to. 
I know I promised a blog about commuting and all that it entails... but I must admit I'm all out of inspiration for today. I will use my drive home tonight as my muse and will deliver you a fresh and funny blog before the end of the week.  Now I must bid you adieu and assure you that I am,
Your most humble, obedient blogger,

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